AUC's efforts to improve efficiency and reduce​ regulatory burden

The AUC operates on the basis that there is ample opportunity to do things better and to reduce regulatory burden, and the AU​C’s commitment to improvement applies to all aspects of our work.

We are mindful that we serve the public interest. An important consideration of efficiency improvements in the regulation of monopoly electricity and natural gas infrastructure, and the adjudication of market cases is that efficiency must not come at the expense of stakeholder and investor confidence in a fair process, market integrity, or reliably independent and consistent regulation. All are critical to a properly functioning utilities sector.​​​​​​​​​​​​

The timeliness of the regulatory review of rates cases (proceedings to determine utility rates) is of primary importance. Since November 2019 the AUC has achieved a number of material improvements in its regulatory performance. These include:

  • A 48.2 per cent reduction in the regulatory requirements, well ahead of the government’s target of a one-third reduction of mandatory requirements by 2023.
  • A 36.1 per cent decrease in application-review time.
  • A 32.1 per cent reduction in proceeding timelines as a result of assertive case management.
  • A 50.1 per cent reduction in application review time by as a result of negotiated settlements.
  • A 19 to 32 per cent reduction in facilities application processing times as a result of continuous process streamlining and a rationalization of application requirements, achieved as the number of applications received increased by 15 per cent.

As a result, the AUC now ranks in the top two quartiles of peer North American utility regulators when measuring the time it takes to review an application.

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AUC 2021-2024 Strategic Plan

​The AUC’s annual business plans since 20​08 have consistently committed it to initiatives that improve process efficiency and enhance our regulatory approaches. The AUC’s current three-year strategic plan includes efficiency a​s a major theme, with input from senior utility-sector executives ensuring industry priorities are reflected in AUC initiatives and its day-to-day operational plan. The government’s red tape reduction efforts are also strongly incorporated.​


Project Green Light

This is a grassroots initiative that encourages staff to challenge the way operate and regulate by developing innovative ideas to improve or streamline processes and enhance efficiency. It simplifies and supports the​ way forward for staff at any level to implement good ideas following a rapid approval process. So far, six projects have been approved and they may be found in the monthly re​port to the Department of Energy. 


Regulatory burden reduction roundtables

Listening directly to where stakeholders think the AUC should focus attention on reducing regulatory burden is critical to the AUC. Over the course of three roundtables​ in late 2019​, the AUC took immediate action​. It became clear that the number one priority for AUC stakeholders is improvements in the AUC process in determining major rate cases.


AUC Regulatory Burden Reduction Task Force

Led by the AUC’s vice-chair and its general counsel, this highly placed group reviews active proceedings to ensure they stay on track​. The group also serves as a forum for the exchange and development of ideas to make the Commission’s adjudicative work more efficient, timely, focused and productive.


Outside experts rates committee

Reflecting stakeholder’s number one priority, the AUC established a third-party expert panel to provide independent recommendations on how the AUC can improve and implement changes to make its rates processes more streamlined and timely. Their report is complete and virtually all recommendations are being adopted.


Alberta government red tape reduction initiative

The AUC monitors and reports to the Department of Energy the progress of efficiency initiatives and the required one-third reduction in regulatory requirements on a monthly basis. This important reporting is overseen by the AUC’s chief executive and its general counsel.​​ The AUC received an encour​aging letter​ from Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity Dale Nally​​ and is moving forward with a series of initiatives to improve the efficiency of its processes and procedures, and reduce regulatory burden.


​What is different abo​ut regulation in the utilities sector?​

Alberta’s utilities are critical to industry in the province and to Albertans’ high quality of living.​​​

Alberta’s utilities sector is a natural monopoly environment where privately owned utilities operate a network of wires and pipelines. They are profit-driven while operating in exclusive service territories, and are not subject to competition. Recognizing the critical importance of utilities, part of the AUC’s public interest mandate is to ensure there is adequate regulatory oversight of Alberta’s utilities and utilities sector in this monopoly environment.​​​​

The AUC works continually to reduce​ the level and impact of regulatory burden to what is required for​ ratepayers to receive safe and reliable utility service at just and reasonable rates – while allowing utility shareholders a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return, and attract adequate investment.​​​​​

Improvement is a central part of what we do

The AUC works to adapt and modernize its regulatory practices to ensure its regulation is ready to meet the challenges of an evolving regulatory environment.​ ​The AUC’s three-year strategic plan includes a major commitment to efficiency and reducing regulatory burden. This efficiency theme was developed, shaped and confirmed through stakeholder conversations with executives at the most senior level within the utilities sector. Industry priorities were incorporated and are driving our specific activities for the next three years, as well as forming the basis to track and measure our success.​

The AUC welcomes the Alberta government's red tape reduction initiative

The AUC continues to focus on streamlining its processes and reducing regulatory burden. The five principles of the​ Red Tape Reduction Act are incorporated within the AUC’s plan for efficient, innovative regulation. The AUC is pleased its detailed, results-driven efficiency and red tape reduction efforts are part of the government’s plan to support jobs and boost productivity.