Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) rules are documents that set out requirements and processes to be implemented and followed by regulated utilities that are within the jurisdiction of the AUC.

As rules are revised and updated, parties are invited to engage in consultations to make suggestions about recommended changes to improve and modernize rules that are considered by the AUC.

Previous consultations and rule-related documents are maintained in the Consultation documents library and can be sorted by topic.

To participate in an AUC rule consultation, please visit AUC Engage.

Rules ​Related information
​Rule 001:

Rules of Practice

​Related information
​Rule 002:

Service Quality and Reliability Performance Monitoring and Reporting for Owners of Electric Distribution Systems and for Gas Distributors

​Related information
​Rule 003:

Service Quality Reporting​ for Energy Service Providers

​Related information
​Rule 004:

Alberta Tariff Billing Code

​Related information
​Rule 005:

Annual Reporting Requirements of Financial and Operational Results

​Related information
​Rule 006:

Rules on Regulatory Audits

​Related information
Rule 007:

Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines​​ [PDF version]

Rule 007 Wiki page
Rule 007 interim information requirements

​Related information
​Rule 008:

Rules Respecting Use of Abbreviated Needs Process ​was repealed on April 1, 2015​ and is no longer in effect.

​Rule 009:

Rules on Local Intervener Costs

​Related information
​Rule 010:

Rules on Standards for Requesting and Exchanging Site-Specific Historic Usage Information for Retail Electricity and Natural Gas Markets

​Related information
​Rule 011:

Rate Application Process for Water Utilities

​Related information
​Rule 012:

Noise Control

​Related information
​Rule 013:

Rules on Criteria Relating to the Imposition of Administrative Penalties

​Related information
​Rule 014:

Rules Respecting the Public Disclosure of Market Surveillance Administrator Records in a Hearing or Other Proceeding

​Related information
​Rule 015:

Rules on Costs of Investigations, Hearings, or Other Proceedings Related to Contraventions

​Related information
​Rule 016:

Review of Commission Decisions

​Related information
​Rule 017:

Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission

​Related information
​Rule 018:

Rules on Negotiated Settlements

​Related information
​Rule 019:

Specified Penalties for Contravention of ISO Rules

​Related information
​Rule 020:

Rules Respecting Gas Utility Pipelines was rescinded on September 1, 2021​ and is no longer in effect.

​Rule 021:

Settlement System Code Rules

​Related information
​Rule 022:

Rules on Costs in Utility Rate Proceedings

​Related information
​Rule 023:

Rules Respecting Payment of Interest

​Related information
​Rule 024:

Rules Respecting Micro-Generation

​Related information
​Rule 025:

Administration Fee

​Related information
​Rule 026:

Regulatory Account Procedures Pertaining to the Implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards

​Related information
​Rule 027:

Specified Penalties for Contravention of Reliability Standards

​Related information
​Rule 028:

Natural Gas Settlement System Code Rules

​Related information
​Rule 029:

Municipal Franchise Agreements

​Related information
​Rule 030:

Compliance with the Code of Conduct Regulation was repealed on March 30, 2021 and is no longer in effect.​

​Rule 031:

Conditional Exemption from Specific Financing and Reporting Requirements

​Related information
​Rule 032:

Specified Penalties for Contravention of AUC Rules

​Related information
​Rule 033:

Post-approval Monitoring Requirem​ents for Wind and Solar Power Plants

​Related information
​Rule 034:

Utility Payment Deferral Program Billing​ expired on June 18, 2022 and is no longer in effect.