Upcoming eFiling System outage: February 14 at 7 p.m. to February 17 at 7 p.m.

The eFiling System is the web-based tool that is used to file application documents and for participants to provide their input by filing documents. It provides public access to documents the AUC will consider before making its decision about an application. Anyone can access the system and creating an account only requires an email address and password.

Once logged in to the eFiling System you can review applications and the other submissions that the AUC is considering as part of its review. You can also register to participate, upload your submissions and evidence, and revise your previously submitted document.

Please visit How to use the eFiling System for quick tips, the eFiling System Basics brochure for general overview about how to create an account and general application actions, as well as the eFiling System User Guide for further detailed guidance.

If you have questions or need assistance please email us at info@auc.ab.ca or call 403-592-4500.

Create an account

Individual accounts: members of the public wanting to participate in a proceeding or observe proceeding documents electronically

Organizational accounts: associations, companies, organizations, Indigenous groups, municipalities and interveners where there are multiple users (or if you will be filing information on behalf of a business or organization).

Find an application

Several applications are often filed for a single project, each application relating to a certain aspect of the project. All of the applications filed in relation to the project are combined into a single proceeding where all of the applications will be reviewed and considered. To find an application, it is easiest if you know the proceeding number assigned to the application and entering that number into the Go to… field and entering Go. The proceeding number is the first five digits of the application number and is provided on all notices.

If you don’t have the proceeding number you can find an application by logging in to the eFiling System and using Find in the top tool bar. Enter the application description in the top field or filter by selecting an applicant, applicant category, type or other ways to narrow down your results.

Results will be listed with applications and proceeding numbers (hyperlinks) that take you directly to where the application documents are found or where the complete proceeding can be found.

File an application

Applications are usually filed by a business or organization to apply for a utility project, to file rate applications or for other matters as designated in AUC rules. An application can also be filed in certain instances to escalate a micro-generation application or complaint. For more information about submitting a complaint, please contact the AUC at info@auc.ab.ca or contact us before filing an application. ​

The steps required to file an application are found in the file an application quick tip, however the requirements for a complete application must follow what has been designated in the applicable rule.

AUC rules apply to various types of applications submitted to the AUC​. Please ensure that you fill out the required forms, templates and reference materials for applications filed with the AUC.
