Upcoming eFiling System outage: February 14 at 7 p.m. to February 17 at 7 p.m.

A key role of the compliance office is to monitor compliance with AUC rules and other legal requirements. Its work involves reviewing reports submitted by industry, engaging with stakeholders and monitoring ongoing compliance. In addition to ensuring that the rules and requirements are followed, the compliance office also looks beyond this to help build a deeper understanding of the sector.

The market in Alberta is constantly evolving due to changes in customer preferences, technological advancements, new market players and shifting business practices. To address these changes, the compliance office actively monitors industry trends and evaluates how these might impact compliance within the industry. By doing so, the office aims to protect consumers while promoting a strong compliance culture that ensures the market remains reliable and efficient.

In addition to its monitoring and advisory roles, the compliance office helps resolve disputes between consumers and regulated entities, as well as between regulated entities themselves. It also provides guidance on complex situations or questions related to regulatory obligations, helping industry members better understand their responsibilities. By staying on top of sector trends, the office advises the AUC on how to adapt rules and practices to meet current challenges.


The compliance office is currently evolving. As part of this evolution, public reporting on the office’s activities is being introduced and will build over time.

Rule 002 Compliance Summary Report
Rule 003 Compliance Summary Report