Proceeding 26707  Register

Application status: complete

Decision: 26707-D01-2022, issued November 23, 2022

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The AUC has approved applications from Enerfin Energy Company of Canada Inc. to construct and operate the 122.32-megawatt Winnifred Wind Power Plant Connection Project and the associated substation, designated as Holsom 1054S Substation.

On June 28, 2021, the Commission approved the needs identification document application filed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), which proposed a single-circuit, 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission line to connect Enerfin’s Holsom 1054S Substation to AltaLink’s Bullshead 523S Substation and to upgrade the Bullshead 523S Substation. As directed by the AESO, Enerfin and AltaLink filed facility applications requesting approval from the Commission to meet the identified need.

Virtual hearing

The Commission issued a ruling on September 28, 2022, and issued a notice of hearing cancellation to cancel the oral hearing and establishing a new process schedule for the filing of written submissions. The ruling is available on Proceeding 26707 as Exhibit 26707-X0292.

​The eFiling System​

The eFiling System should be accessed to view the applications and the other documents the AUC will be considering in this proceeding. The system is also used to file submissions and evidence to participate in the proceeding.

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Documents being considered in this proceeding can be found in the eFiling​ System (which requires log in). Once you have logged in, enter 26707 in the “go to” section at the top left corner of your screen.

Winnifred Wind Power Plant Connection Project