Upcoming eFiling System outage: February 14 at 7 p.m. to February 17 at 7 p.m.

​​​​​What are rate riders?

Rate riders are a special credit or charge on a customer’s bill in addition to the tariff distribution rates approved by the AUC. The rate rider is a mechanism used to flow through costs that are incurred by a distribution utility or refunds provided to the distribution utility, that were not included in its tariff distribution rates at the time those rates were approved by the AUC. All rate riders must be approved by the AUC before they are applied to customer bills.

When a rate rider is determined to be needed by a utility, it applies to the AUC. Upon approval, the rate rider is applied on utility customer bills for a determined amount of time. Below are the current riders in effect for each regulated utility.

Retailer riders

Apex Utilities Inc.:

(Please see distribution riders)

Direct Energy Regulated​ S​ervices:

(Currently no riders in effect)

ENMAX Energy:

(Currently no riders in effect)

EPCOR Energy (Edmonton):

(Currently no riders in effect)

EPCOR Energy (outside Edmonton):

(Currently no riders in effect)

Distribution riders

Apex U​t​​i​li​ties Inc.:

Municipal franchise fee (Rider A)

Franchise fees are paid to municipalities in consideration of the exclusive grant of a franchise and for the ability to put gas distribution facilities on land owned by the municipalities.

Municipal property tax (Rider B)

Property taxes are levied by municipalities against Apex’s land and buildings, linear property, machinery and equipment.

Unaccounted-for gas (Rider E)

Rider E is used in calculating the Apex monthly natural gas commodity rate (Rider G) and in determining the amount of gas to be delivered to Apex by retailers. Rider E is designed to allow Apex to recover from producer transportation customers its share of annual line losses.

Unaccounted-for gas settlement (Rider H)

Rider H is used to facilitate gas settlement and balancing calculations and ensure the associated terms and conditions of service are consistent with Rule 028. This rider is necessary to calculate the retailers’ and the default gas supply providers’ share of unaccounted-for gas required under Rule 028.

ATCO Electric Ltd.:

Municipal assessment rider (Rider A)

Includes revenues from forecast franchise fees and property taxes applicable throughout the territory served by ATCO Electric Ltd. to provide electric service within identified municipalities.

Special facilities charge (Rider E)

Applies to customers that have entered into an agreement with ATCO Electric to pay a customer-specific rate/revenue requirement for their applicable customer-specific distribution facilities.

Temporary adjustment rider (Rider G)

Used to dispense AUC approved deferral accounts.

Interim adjustment rider (Rider J)

Used for the purposes of applying any future charges or refunds approved by the AUC.

System access service rider (Rider S)

A flow-through of transmission costs that the AESO charges to ATCO Electric for access to Alberta’s interconnected power grid, which are reconciled quarterly.

ATC​O ​Gas North:

Municipal franchise fee (Rider A)

Franchise fees are paid to municipalities in consideration of the exclusive grant of a franchise and for the ability to put gas distribution facilities on land owned by the municipalities.

Municipal property tax (Rider B)

Property taxes are levied by municipalities against ATCO Gas’ land and buildings, linear property, machinery and equipment.

Unaccounted-for gas (Rider D)

Designed to allow ATCO Gas to recover gas losses on the distribution system.

Load balancing (Rider L)

Refund or recovery of the value in the load balancing account. Load balancing is part of the physical operation of a gas pipeline system, whereby gas supplies are adjusted to maintain optimum operating pressure in the system.

Unaccounted-for gas (Ride​r P)

Fixed, variable and demand charge (Rider S)

Applied to the Fixed Charge, Variable Charge and Demand Charge to all customers unless otherwise specified by specific contracts or the AUC.

Transmission (Rider T)

A flow-through of NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. transmission charges.

Weather deferral account (Rider W)

A refund or recovery of the value in the weather deferral account, which reconciles the actual natural gas delivery revenue with lower or higher-than-normal natural gas delivery revenue, due to warmer or colder than expected temperatures.

ATCO Gas​ South:

Municipal franchise fee (Rider A)

Franchise fees are paid to municipalities in consideration of the exclusive grant of a franchise and for the ability to put gas distribution facilities on land owned by the municipalities.

Municipal property tax (Rider B)

Property taxes are levied by municipalities against ATCO Gas’ land and buildings, linear property, machinery and equipment.

Unaccounted-for gas (Rider D)

Designed to allow ATCO Gas to recover gas losses on the distribution system.

Load balancing (Rider L) 

Refund or recovery of the value in the load balancing account. Load balancing is part of the physical operation of a gas pipeline system, whereby gas supplies are adjusted to maintain optimum operating pressure in the system.

Unaccounted-for gas (Ride​r P)

Fixed, variable and demand charge (Rider S)

Applied to the Fixed Charge, Variable Charge and Demand Charge to all customers unless otherwise
specified by specific contracts or the AUC.

Transmission (Rider T)

A flow-through of NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. transmission charges.

Weather deferral account (Rider W)

A refund or recovery of the value in the weather deferral account, which reconciles the actual natural gas delivery revenue with lower or higher-than-normal natural gas delivery revenue, due to warmer or colder than expected temperatures.

ENMAX Power Corporation:

Local access/Municipal franchise fee

A flow-through of franchise fees which vary by municipality. Franchise fees are paid to municipalities in consideration of the exclusive grant of a franchise and for the ability to put electric distribution facilities on land owned by the municipalities.​

Transmission rider​ (TAC adjustment rider)

A charge or refund to reconcile the AESO charges paid by ENMAX with those charges collected from customers, which are reconciled yearly.

Quarterly transmission rider (TAC adjustment rider)

A charge or refund to reconcile the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) charges paid by ENMAX with those charges collected from customers, which are reconciled quarterly.

Balancing Pool allocation rider

A flow-through of an amount from the AESO. A separate rider used for transparency on customer bills to show the Balancing Pool refund or collection received from the AESO through its Rider F.

EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc.:

Local access fee

A surcharge imposed by the City of Edmonton.

Rider DJ – currently not in effect

A charge or refund to reconcile distribution costs incurred by EPCOR with those charges collected from customers.

Rider E – currently not in effect

Applies to customers that have entered into an agreement with EPCOR to pay a customer-specific rate/revenue requirement for their applicable customer-specific distribution facilities.

Transmission rider (Rider J)

A charge or refund to reconcile the AESO charges paid by EPCOR with those charges collected from customers.

Quarterly transmission rider (Rider K)

A flow-through of transmission costs that the AESO charges to EPCOR for access to Alberta’s interconnected power grid, which are reconciled quarterly.

Balancing Pool rider (Rider G)

A flow-through of an amount from the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). A separate rider used for transparency on customer bills to show the Balancing Pool refund or collection received from the AESO through its Rider F.

FortisAlberta Inc.:

Municipal assessment rider (Rider A-1)

A flow-through item applicable in each municipality or taxation authority. Farms, irrigation, yard lights and transmission connected customers are exempt.

Municipal franchise fee rider

A flow-through of franchise fees which vary by municipality. In some municipalities there is no fee, and the rider is set at zero per cent. Franchise fees are paid to municipalities in consideration of the exclusive grant of a franchise and for the ability to put electric distribution facilities on land owned by the municipalities.

Distribution adjustment rider – currently not in effect

A charge or refund to reconcile distribution costs incurred by Fortis with those charges collected from customers.

Customer-specific facilities rider (Rider E) 

Applies to customers that have entered into an agreement with Fortis to pay a customer-specific rate/revenue requirement for their applicable customer-specific distribution facilities.

Transmission adjustment rider

A charge or refund to reconcile the AESO charges paid by Fortis with those charges collected from customers.

Quarterly transmission adjustment rider

A flow through of transmission costs that the AESO charges to Fortis for access to Alberta’s interconnected power grid, which are reconciled quarterly.

Balancing Pool rider

A flow through of an amount from the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). A separate rider used for transparency on customer bills to show the Balancing Pool refund or collection received from the AESO through its Rider F.