Distributor test scenarios

​Test ID ​Test scenario ​Expected result ​Apex Utilities Inc. test files ​ATCO Gas test files ​Pre-condition
1 Test CLE transaction processing
1.1 Receive a CLE from the retailer of record.
Formatting is correct.
Exemption flag is yes.
Exemption reason code is 001.
​CLE is processed.
CLN is produced with correct effective date, next calendar day.
Exemption flag is set to Yes.
Reason Code is stored.
CLN_0007_999999999_20161110165144 CLN_0003_888888888_20161005063140  ​Site is enrolled with the retailer in the CLE.
​1.2 ​Receive a CLE from a retailer that is not the retailer of record. ​CLN is produced with a failure code of 2608 Invalid Retailer ID for site. CLN_0007_999999999_20161110165155 CLN_0001_999999999_20160930063137 ​AG: Site is not enrolled with retailer in the CLE, No SRR is sent with CLE.
​1.3 ​Receive a CLE from the retailer of record.
Formatting of the CLE is incorrect (invalid retailer ID, distributor ID, format or length).
​CLN is produced with corresponding failure code. CLN_0007_999999999_20161109165154 CLN_0001_888888888_20161004063135 ​AUI: Site is enrolled with the retailer in the CLE.

AG: Site is enrolled with the retailer in the CLE. Test scenarios for each of the automated rejects,   manual review and failures

​1.4 Receive a CLE from the retailer of record.
Formatting is correct
Exemption flag is No.
​CLE is processed.
CLN is produced with correct effective date, next calendar day.
Exemption flag is set No.
CLN_0007_999999999_20161109155124 CLN_0003_888888888_20161006063134 ​Site ID in test file is already flagged as exempt.

Site is enrolled with the retailer in the CLE.

​1.5 Receive multiple CLE’s for the same site on the same day:
1. ROR, exemption flag to yes, reason code is 001
2. Not ROR, exemption flag NO
3. ROR, set exemption flag to NO
4. ROR, sets exemption flag to yes, reason code is 002.
CLN’s are produced for all CLE’s
1. CLN is successful, exemption flag is Yes
2. CLN is unsuccessful, no change to exemption flag
3. CLN is successful, exemption flag is No
4. CLN is successful, exemption flag is Yes. The last processed CLE will set exemption status for next calendar day.




Results 1, 3, and 4:  CLN_0003_888888888_20161007063139        Results 2:  CLN_0003_999999999_20161007063139 AUI: ​Site is enrolled with the retailer is sequence 1,3,4.

AG: Site is enrolled with the retailer is sequence 1,3,4.

​1.6 ​Receive a SRR and CLE for a site that is not currently enrolled with retailer of record. Exemption flag is Y. ​SRR is processed and site enrolled.  Successful SRN is sent out. CLE is processed. CLN is produced with correct effective date, next calendar day. Exemption flag is set to Yes. Reason code is stored. CLN_0007_999999999_20161109165124 ​​ CLN_0001_999999999_20160930063137 ​AUI: Site is NOT currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous retailer/customer exempt status ‘Y’.

AG: Site is enrolled with the retailer is sequence 1,3,4.

​1.7 Receive a SRR and CLE for a site that is not currently enrolled with retailer of record. Exemption flag is N. ​SRR is processed and site enrolled. CLE is processed. CLN is produced with correct effective date, next calendar day. Exemption flag is set to No. CLN_0007_999999999_20161110164154 CLN_0003_777777777_20161007063139 ​Site is NOT currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous retailer/customer exempt status ‘Y’.
​1.8 ​Receive a SRR w/o CLE for a site that is not currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous customer at site is exempt. ​SRR is processed and site enrolled. Successful SRN is sent out. Exemption flag is defaulted to No. ​AUI has tested and passed this scenario, defaulted exemption flag to No. ​Test was passed. Exemption flag defaulted to No. ​Site is NOT currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous retailer/customer exempt status ‘Y’.
​1.9 ​Receive a SRR w/o CLE for a site that is not currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous customer at site is NOT exempt. ​SRR is processed and site enrolled. Successful SRN is sent out. Exemption flag is defaulted & maintained @ ‘No’. ​Test was passed. Exemption flag defaulted to No. Site is NOT currently enrolled with retailer of record. Previous retailer/customer exempt status ‘N’.​
2 Test tariff billing code production​ ​
​2.1 ​Produce a TBF with the new charge component of 5008. ​TBF is produced with the new CH record, charge amount is correct, TBF is formatted correctly. TBF_0007_999999999_20161108152014 TBF_0001_555555555_20161110002802  Refer to site ID 1111111111111 ​Site is actively billing and is not exempt in system.
​2.2 ​Produce a TBF for a site that is exempt from carbon levy. ​TBF is produced without the new CH record, charge amount is correct, TBF is formatted correctly. ​TBF_0007_999999999_20161110115748 TBF_0001_555555555_20161104002514   Refer to site ID 3333333333333 ​Site is actively billing and is exempt in the system.
​2.3 ​Produce a TBF that has had an exemption flag change from Yes to No during the calendar month. ​TBF is produced
TH, DU and CH splits are created
CH has the 5008 on the correct TH,DU,CH set.
​AUI will provide 2 TBF as we will charge to the effective date and TBF, perform the rate change and then the next TBF will be produced on cycle.


TBF_0003_555555555_20161117003232  Refer to site ID 2222222222222 ​ATCO Gas specific scenario
​2.4 ​Produce a TBF that has had an exemption flag change from No to Yes during the calendar month. ​TBF is produced
TH, DU and CH splits are created
CH has the 5008 on the correct TH,DU,CH set.
​AUI will provide 2 TBF as we will charge to the effective date and TBF, perform the rate change and then the next TBF will be produced on cycle.


​TBF_0003_555555555_20161117003232  Refer to site ID 3333333333333 ​ATCO Gas specific scenario
​3 Test TBD transaction processing​ ​
​3.1 ​Receive a valid TBD with the dispute reason of 7015. ​The TBD is processed.
Cancel/Replacement TBF is produced
Exemption flag is updated.


TBF_0001_555555555_20161029002939  Refer to site ID 1111111111111 ​AG: Could be either situation, charging and shouldn’t be or vice versa.  In theory it means we received a CLE and sent a CLN, however didn’t update our flag. Just makes sure the TBD process can handle the new reason code and our business processes are set up correctly to handle this one.

Apex Utilities Inc. testing related information:

  • Apex Utilities Inc. created the original carbon levy rate effective Aug 1, 2016.
  • Apex Utilities Inc. simulated a rate change to test the January 1, 2018 carbon levy rate change in our test systems effective October 1, 2016.
  • Test results will have both the January 1, 2017 and January 1, 2018 rates.

Retailer test scenarios

ATCO Energy test files
DERS and DEP CLE test files
Encor by EPCOR test files
ENMAX Energy test files (Non-Exempt to Exempt)
ENMAX Energy test files (Exempt to Non-Exempt)
ENMAX Energy test files (Non-Exempt)