Upcoming eFiling System outage: February 14 at 7 p.m. to February 17 at 7 p.m.

The AUC may investigate when rates are being charged unfairly or incorrectly, or when terms and conditions of service are not being applied correctly

The AUC does not determine rates or conditions of service from retailers offering fixed pricing for fixed terms for electricity or natural gas. For issues with these contracts, please contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate.

Rate-setting is at the core of the AUC’s responsibilities in overseeing Alberta’s regulated utilities. The AUC strives to ensure rates are just and reasonable, and that they provide a reasonable opportunity for utility owners to earn a fair return on their investment.

The AUC determines rates for utility distribution companies, for electricity and consumer natural gas transmission, and for some water utilities.

When utilities apply for rates, the AUC has an open and transparent process that evaluates submitted evidence that is tested and considered by consumer groups, industry groups and other interest groups to sets rates terms and conditions of service.

Participants in the AUC’s rate-setting process regularly include the Utilities Consumer Advocate (for residential customers), Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta or IPCAA (for industrial customers) and the Consumers’ Coalition of Alberta.

Each of these parties’ file evidence and challenge numbers provided in rate applications submitted by regulated utility companies. Concerns about how rates are set are usually done as a united consumer group which presents a common argument for what they have determined to be just and fair to parties.

If you have a concern about the terms and conditions of your utility service, and particularly if you have a billing issue, you should contact your utility company first to try to resolve the issue. If you are unable to get resolution, the Utilities Consumer Advocate can work with you to advocate and mediate on your behalf. If you have further questions you can also contact the AUC at 310-4AUC or info@auc.ab.ca.

If you have a concern about the level of your utility rates, the Utilities Consumer Advocate has a mandate to educate, advocate and mediate for Alberta utility customers. It is among the organizations that represent Alberta residential consumers at AUC rates hearings. Additionally, if you are dissatisfied about your retail billing including in situations where you have agreed to a contract, please contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate at 310-4822, review the website or email them at ucahelps@gov.ab.ca.

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