The water decision index is a tool to assist to assist anyone who is researching issues that are frequently raised in water proceedings. These water utility decisions may be used to help you to find information about how the AUC has viewed particular issues in previously issued decisions

The water decision index is not a complete list of all AUC water decisions and is updated periodically with new decisions. AUC water decisions are organized into the following categories:

  • investor-owned water utility matters
  • enforcement of safe and adequate water supply
  • franchise agreements – right to provide utility service granted by a municipality
  • long-term water supply agreements
  • appeals by customers of municipal utility charges
  • disputes between municipalities
  • miscellaneous – granting rights to provide utility service

This list is intended only as a starting point to further aid you in more easily identifying AUC water decisions and should not be exclusively relied on in the preparation of material to be filed with the AUC​.

To find additional water decisions and proceedings that involved water issues, please log in to the eFiling System and use the “find” and “search” functions to locate AUC decisions and proceeding material.
