Upcoming eFiling System outage: February 14 at 7 p.m. to February 17 at 7 p.m.

The AUC’s report on Module B of the inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation in Alberta was released today. The report can be found here.

The report, delivered to Minister of Affordability and Utilities Nathan Neudorf, provides summaries of submissions and observations on the impact of the increasing growth of renewables on both generation supply mix and electricity system reliability.

The AUC’s report provides several observations based on AUC-commissioned expert reports and the submissions made by participants in Module B.

Included in the report is a commitment by the AUC to explore the potential for time-of-use rates and other demand-side management techniques as priority items in the near term.

As changes to Alberta’s electricity system continue, the AUC remains committed to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes, as well as continuous improvement to facilitate change in the utilities sector in a fair and timely way. The AUC will continue to work with the provincial government and other stakeholders to further deliver on policy changes as they are developed.

The AUC thanks all stakeholders who participated in the inquiry and shared their expertise.

The AUC’s report on Module A of its renewables inquiry was released on March 13, 2024. The report can be found here.

Lauren Aspden


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Lauren Aspden


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